
Finding Quakers

Trying to find Quakers near you? Try one of these links:


Note that the “worldwide” link also includes a way to register yourself as an “isolated Friend” if there’s no meeting near you. With time, new meetings can form.


If you are concerned about LGBTQ+ affirmation, here are lists of meetings that have formally stated their affirming position.

Reading List: Intro to Quakers

Start of a List

Elixir has a lot of ways to get the first thing in a list. One of the first things you learn from the basic syntax guide on the Elixir website is that hd(foo) gets the first thing in a list, and tl(foo) gets the rest. You also learn [ head | tail ] = foo.

But what happens when it’s an empty list?

iex(1)> foo = []
iex(2)> hd(foo)
** (ArgumentError) argument error
iex(3)> tl(foo)
** (ArgumentError) argument error

Those first bits of syntax you learned will throw errors if given empty lists. That means you need to only use them after confirming the list has stuff in it, such as with a conditional or by pattern-matching.

Dang, Elixir is stable

On Monday, my manager asked about on-call coverage for the Elixir app I work on. There are only a handful of people in the company who know Elixir, and he was concerned that I would feel like I couldn’t take a vacation.

Him: How often do you get on-call alerts?

Me: shrug Never 😏

Him: Wait, what? Do you have them set up? Do they work? 😰

Me: Yeah, they’re set up, and yes, they work, but the interval…Two weeks ago, another team made a change that affected us without telling us, and that caused an alert. That was the first alert since before the election.

Attending Code BEAM

Last week, Miriam Pena from the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation’s education working group mentioned in the Elixir Slack’s channel for women and other minority genders that Code BEAM V America was coming up. She said the working group had a handful of tickets available for students, folks who can’t otherwise afford to go, and people in groups that are underrepresented in tech.

I’ve never applied for a “diversity” ticket to a conference before, but she said they’d pre-purchased them, and the conference was 6 days away. Also, the 2020 Elixir survey results say the community is 2% women, which is rather like the open source numbers back when I started doing that. (I hope the open source numbers have grown?) So, I figured it was probably ok to claim one.